Thursday, December 21, 2017

Mad as Hell Freezes Over

At what point does what Peter Finch says in the film Network at the very least happen, nevermind a full-on revolt? How much fuckery does it take? Just asking. I've read about the "Mueller firing red line”, but will people really collectively rise? I have my doubts. Part of me thinks people almost want this country to become as unequal and fascistic as possible just to see if it really can happen, or just talk about it endlessly until it does. And if it's not happening to them well... Look, if a tree falls in the woods, whether you personally hear it or not doesn't matter, it makes a sound. It's happening, and we live in a collection of States that supposedly calls itself United, doesn't that mean having each other's back? Inaction about increasing day to day occurrences of oppression, suppression and repression, racism, classism, inequality, greed, corruption and general lack of empathy that have permeated all aspects of life and work across America leads me to believe that this complacent (and often complicit) country of selfish individuals simply does not have what it takes to take a stand. We seem to be on a b-line to begone.

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